What is the Kazimierz Art Confraternity?
The answer to this question can vary, but the most important one is contained in the very name itself. Without Kazimierz Confraternity, there would be no and could be no. Because Kazimierz, or more precisely, the sense of belonging to it, the need for coexistence in its form (more cultural than geographical), is essentially the only criterion for belonging to the Confraternity. This is what makes it unique because it is neither an association nor an artistic group—there are many such in many other cities. Here, the emphasis is on the place of existence, and above all, on participation in the over century-old tradition of artistic Kazimierz. Almost everyone knows about this town, almost everyone has been here, and yet, paradoxically, the essence of this place is rarely noticed; not everyone always sees that the identity of Kazimierz is defined by art…

Place of birth: Włodawa, July 14, 1973. I graduated from the Art Faculty of U.M.C.S. with a Master's degree in art education in 1999. Diploma in sculpture under Prof. Sławomir Mieleszko. Postgraduate studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow from 2013 to 2015. Diploma in painting under Prof. Andrzej Bednarczyk. Since 2009, I have been a member of